Golfrock, LLC v. Lee County, Florida, Case No. 2D15-2105 (Fla. 2d DCA 2017).

Upon rehearing, the Second District re-affirms that a party cannot use a declaratory action to divorce the determination whether an aggrieved party needs to take further action to ripen a takings claim from the takings claim itself, i.e., both must be done at the same time.

Muchnick v. Goihman, Case No. 3D17-122 (Fla. 3d DCA 2018).

A sales agent, in addition to his or her broker, may be individually liable for misrepresentations made to contracting parties.

GSK Hollywood Development Group, LLC v. City of Hollywood, Case No. 4D16-3453 (Fla. 4th DCA 2018).

The 2010 version of the Bert Harris Act, Florida Statute section 71.001, required “action of a governmentalentity,” and there can be no violation of the Act if the landowner did not seek a permit, variance, waiver, or other governmental action.
